Latest News about the SMRT Health Checks

I am quite glad that detailed information has been provided. It’s always more reassuring to have more information than none. And I really don’t mind the inconvenience of waiting for a train as long as I don’t get stuck in one. Employers should be more understanding when their employees who take the train come to work late. Also happy that PM Lee decided to get involved showing that he takes this matter seriously. I am sure everyone gets nervous and jumpy when the PM gets involved in your operation. And I was happy about that as I think the CEO of SMRT needed to get less complacent when it comes to passenger safety. It just should not be compromised. It’s good that Singaporeans complain. If we don’t it means we except a poor standard in spite of the recent raises in the ticket fees and promises about an excellent public transportation system as we are increasingly discouraged from driving (COE, road tax etc). So thanks to all my fellow Singaporeans for voicing your concerns. Let’s not put up with lower standards when we have been promised excellence all these years and especially prior to Elections. It’s the basis on which most people vote. And it’s hard to ignore a collective voice.


If you asked me, I’d rather we excel in terms of human rights. But that’s a whole other battle. Somehow though, to me, it’s all linked.

Here are my 2 earlier posts about the situation, and my thoughts about the hardworking MRT ground staff who don’t deserve the abuse by the public. I hope it’s clear that my annoyance is with the extremely highly paid top management who have the power and not those with hardly any autonomy.

post 1
post 2

About bookjunkie

Blogging about life in Singapore & recently cancer too.
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2 Responses to Latest News about the SMRT Health Checks

  1. Quasi says:

    Hi, ive been following your blog for some time. The recent posts on train breakdowns are interesting. However, i wish to comment that while you vent your anger and unhappiness through your comments and blog posts, kindly remember that the company staff have been working round the clock to resolve issues. I see my friends who work for that company burn their weekends in exchange for more complaints, abuse and insensitive remarks from the public. So please, do give some encouragement. Yes the company screwed up, but the ground staff are the ones solving this national crisis and they cant do it alone.

    • bookjunkie says:

      thanks for your comment Quasi. think you might have missed my earlier post where I acknowledge how hard the underpaid ground staff are working. It’s the top management (& profit at all cost ways) that I criticize. Hope people don’t get the wrong impression as I am quite upset about ground staff getting abused by the public. I also linked to a train officer’s blog called Gintai and I think he explains the situation very well. He works such long hours too.

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