Our Shooting Star

Thinking about someone very close to me today. Someone we lost. Someone who is always on my mind even if it’s been a few years. Time becomes immaterial when you lose someone, although time does help you cope.

He had the sweetest personality. Never once did I see him get angry. Think he was not capable of it. In terms of health he had so many challenges and mountains to surmount, but yet he did a whole lot more than most other people. He had a mischievous twinkle and zest for life. He never failed to make us smile by just being his fun loving self. His very presence meant joy. He was just so special I feel lucky to have grown up with him. He was adored by everyone in the family and I know they are all thinking of him today.

My cousin D was just telling me how she felt sad too. I’m sure cousin G is missing him lots too as he loved teasing her. I think all of us feel both sad and lucky that we were blessed with him in our lives even though it was a short life and he went too soon.

About bookjunkie

Blogging about life in Singapore & recently cancer too.
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2 Responses to Our Shooting Star

  1. Lady J says:

    So sorry to hear of your loss, BJ. Sharing with you a little something that I found online and hoping that the message will bring you and your family strength during this difficult time:

    “It’s the little things, the small, everyday occurrences that you’ll remember. The laughs, the stories, the smiles. And even though it seems like you can never recover from your loss, it is these very memories that will help push the pain away and bring back the smiles.”

    • bookjunkie says:

      Thanks so much dear. You’re always so sweet and thoughtful.

      Before loss, I didn’t know how precious and comforting memories could be. It’s why I value photos and now, videos so much. I am quite obsessive with taking photos of my family especially the little ones.

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