This Crazy Need to be Constantly Productive

I look at characters in movies and they get so much done within a day. It makes me feel like a sloth, as on some days, even waking up is a chore. There’s this constant need to be ticking off things in my routine and if I miss something I feel like my whole day is ruined.

I feel defective compared to other people in my country. This need to be endlessly productive is in our Singapore culture. It has been drummed into me since childhood that our only resources are our Human Resources (no natural resources apart from our good location as a port) and that we need to work hard and achieve excellence. Otherwise it’s doom for our tiny island. Always this, hanging over our heads.

If you’re a kid, you have to strive to do well in exams to get into a good school and a good course, the best being Medicine and next, Law of course. It’s an endlessly tiring cycle.

Honestly I find it all highly toxic and it creates a society that lacks empathy. A society where success at the detriment of others is fine. Kindness, empathy and just basic ethics and morality takes a back seat. I had the bitter taste of this at toxic workplaces. I went from joyful and energetic to bitter and defeated. I don’t want anyone else to suffer this, especially the next generation.

I hope things change and I think they may be, as social media allows us to see what it truly means to live a good life. It’s not all about grades or status. We can circumvent the propaganda, when we are able to connect with good people in other cultures. I’ve learnt and evolved so much and it’s all due to social media.

We only have one life and we need to not be trapped by what is preached to us. As those preaching have their own agendas, are often highly privileged and do not have our wellness in mind. We are just a digit to them.

It’s easier said than done. Felt important to air my feelings on the subject though. I’m sure I am not alone in feeling these frustrations.

About bookjunkie

Blogging about life in Singapore & recently cancer too.
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