She Said Singapore Is So Lush

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Lions & Dragons at the Mall

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Year of the Dragon

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Even More in ‘24

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My First Cousins

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Is Inflation One of Your Biggest Worries

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My First Experience with Snow

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I Just Watched the Wham! Documentary

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I Worry I’ll Run Out of Stories

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When Was the First Time you Took a Flight?

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I Used To Have A Dream Job

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Something I Wrote on Medium. Hope you’ll read it there.

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Please Don’t Ask Me To Be Resilient

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Join Medium with my referral link – Shanti C K

As a Medium member, a portion of your membership fee goes to writers you read, and you get full access to every story on Medium.
— Read on

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When I was diagnosed with cancer

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What a Trip to Siem Reap Taught Me

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Been Writing at Another Place but I’m still here too.

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My Niece Made Me So Happy Today

One of my nieces read my blog for the first time today. It feels momentous to me so I have to make a record of it here. To protect her privacy, I’m not mentioning her name. (Although they both have the most divine names – yes I know, gushing aunt)

A few times before, her dad said I should let them read it. He was encouraging about it, and said it was okay. My little niece piped in that she could handle it.

I was worried initially, because I have written since 2011 about pretty heavy topics that touch on mental health conditions like anxiety and also grief. From 2016 I started talking about my cancer journey. It’s geared towards older people who have gone through life’s tribulations. And I wear my heart on my sleeve as I reveal my truth.

My nieces know that I can be quite overprotective. So they find it natural, my hesitation about them reading basically what is my online journal.

My cousin’s very open as a father and shares a lot with his children which I think is great for their development. He’s always truthful with them and wants them to be resilient. To him it was no issue.

Also the niece who wanted to read my blog is such a mature girl and handles everything like a pro. Her bravery is unmatched and often I feel quite ashamed at what a coward I am in comparison. She’s barely 11.

She came to me today and sweetly said she wanted to read my blog so I showed her the latest post, on my phone. She was reading intently and I have to admit I was very nervous. It felt like when you’re submitting your essay to your University professor.

I don’t edit my posts much so there may be grammatical errors. “On no, I thought. I should have put a lot more effort into editing”. I badly want to make my nieces proud and I value their opinion so much.

Children can often be wiser than adults, being unfettered by the constraints society puts on you.

Then my sweetie pie said “I like reading your blog”, before running off for her math lessons.

I was on cloud nine after.

No opinion matters more to me than from the ones I hold so dear.

I hope my other niece (my cutie pie) approves too. Crossing my fingers and waiting with bated breath.

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Grateful for My Cousins

When I see my nieces with their cousins, it makes my heart swell. I want them to be close all their lives, like they are right now, and have beautiful memories like I do.

My childhood was not easy due to external factors (abusive people outside my family who made my life hell and caused my mental health issues), but the best part of it was any time I had with my cousins. It was my haven and heaven and something I always looked forward to. They were my salve and kept me happy and sane. They enabled me to balance out the misery with pure joy. It was when I felt the safest.

I was truly on cloud nine when I was with them. (Just like I am now with my nieces. But in a different way because with my cousins I was a kid too. With my nieces, I am overprotective. Also overindulgent because who can say no to those angelic faces. It’s truly impossible. And I would do anything for them.)

I was always heartbroken when a birthday party for one of my cousins’ ended because it meant, with the rigours of the school schedule, the next time I see them might be weeks away. They probably had no clue how much I missed them. I tend to be very sentimental. Also most of them are much younger and may not remember like I do.

I even looked forward to religious events at the temple, because my grandma would ensure that my cousins attended. Most of the time though she didn’t bat an eye even though we were playing more than praying.

I admired my older cousins and adored my younger ones so much. The younger ones were like my first babies. I think it’s because of them that I’ve always loved babies. I think they have no idea how much I adore them and always will. The older ones were so loving and nurturing towards us. I truly had the best of both worlds.

I was born during the time of the ‘two is enough’ campaign, when the government was clamping down on population growth with fines and penalties. I was so grateful with all my first cousins combined I always was surrounded by so many kids. It was never lonely.

A new cousin being born was the most exciting thing. I loved how they would hold on to my finger so tightly when they were infants. It was such a thrill. But I was always so afraid I’d accidentally drop them, so I was extremely careful and gentle around them.

Just wanted to record my thoughts and feelings after a wonderful day with some of my first cousins and nieces. And first cousins are becoming such a rarity these days so they are extra precious.

And my two late cousins are always in my heart. They will never be forgotten and I feel so lucky to be related to them. They definitely shaped the better parts of who I am today.

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Siem Reap March 2023: Pink Lotuses

The pink lotuses – my favourite photo of the whole trip. Beautiful and serene.
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